Kenya Fluorspar Company is committed to responsible energy and water management as part of an overall environmental strategy. Energy management plays a key role in our business. It supports our plan to maximize profitability, strengthen our competitive position and provide clients with the highest quality of services. Our efforts to reduce energy consumption and prevent pollution will also support our commitment to our employees, the environment and the communities in which we operate. By efficient management of energy, the Company aims to minimise:

  • Energy use
  • Energy costs
  • Environmental impact of harmful emissions and
  • Depletion of fossil fuels

Through the application of our Energy Management System, autonomous energy will provide sustainable energy engineering services, products and renewable energy systems that are effective, reliable, leading edge and problem free, with safety, quality and environmental protection as the highest priorities in all that we do.

In order to achieve this, we will:

  1. Provide effective energy utilization without compromising comfort, convenience and performance by using the available energy resources in the most effective manner possible, as well as managing those activities concerning energy in a manner that is in line with the company’s “Sustainability” approach;
  2. Investigation into methods of reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs), implementing such methods and ensuring continuous use of such methods
  3. Establishment of effective communications channels, for the purpose of creating common values and beneficial results in areas of interest in matters of energy management, with the customers, national and county authorities and  other stakeholders;
  4. Implementation of the Energy Management System in a manner that is integrated with other corporate management practices such as Energy Act of 2006 and Environment Management and Coordination Act 1999.
  5. Establish and maintain the Energy Management Committee to spear head the implementation of measures to achieve energy efficiency targets.
  6. To gain control over our energy consumption by reviewing and improving our purchasing, treating, motivation and training practices.
  7. Maintain a reporting system that gives useful timely information to decision makers and staff working at major operation areas.
  8. Ensure that this policy is reviewed annually to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.