Other Initiatives

In addition to supporting community services and assistance in health, education, environment, and sports, Kenya Fluorspar assisted the wider Kerio Valley community with infrastructure projects and other assistance.

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Other Initiatives in the Community

Kenya Fluorspar assisted where needed to accommodate a variety of needs in the community with examples of its voluntary involvement mentioned below:

  • Food donations were provided to communities and schools during times of hardship and the drought experienced in 2009.
  • Accommodation and office space were provided to local authorities like the District Officer, Admin Police and Kenya Police at no cost.
  • All transport for regular transport operations (ore and final product) was contracted to the local community, benefitting ~250 people.
  • Local youth groups from the community were involved in boulder breaking of the abnormal mining ore (benefitting 30 people) – instead of using mechanisation.
  • Maintenance of the local environment was contracted out to a local youth group benefiting 12-15 people.
  • Numerous jobs were subcontracted to locals including the supply of tea and chapati to the work force in the field, local canteen operations and small repair/construction jobs.


Emergency Initiatives in the Community

During emergencies or catastrophies, Kenya Fluorpar would offer and provide assistance without fail.

Such situations included:

  • A devastating mudslide that killed 15 villagers and closed access to the valley, taking six days to re-establish communications. The Company assisted with providing basics to the people affected and opening and rebuilding the road.
  • A fire that destroyed a dormitory at Kocholwo Secondary school destroying its dormitory. The Company immediately stepped in and rebuilt and equipped the facility for the students at a cost of $35 000.