Another Donation of Glucometers
May 16 2014
Diabetes is one of the common chronic illnesses causing frequent hospital visits and hospital admissions in our communities. Kenya Fluorspar Company management through the Field Marsham Medical Centre has continued with its approach to address the problem.
The company has in the previous year (2013) donated 10 blood sugar testing machines (glucometers) plus glucose test strips to diabetic patients who were treated at the health facility previously. These patients have been on routine follow up visits to the Medical Centre and receive appropriate treatment based on their home results. They benefit from diabetic drugs as well as refill of glucose test strips.
To date the Company through the Managing Director has donated 20 glucometers and glucose test strips to various diabetic clients within the community during the past 18 months whereby 10 were donated late 2012 and 10 recently in May 2014.
Recently, the Medical Centre conducted Diabetic Education Training to the 20 recipients of test kits advising them of the causes and treatment of diabetes as well as promoting a healthy life style and also covering the following topics: introduction, definition and types of diabetes; diabetes presentations (signs and symptoms) and complications associated with diabetes; causes and prevention of diabetes (meals and lifestyle factors ); testing procedures (self testing), interpretation of results and what to do when they find abnormal blood sugar ranges; treatment and management of diabetes complications ; feeding habits and nutrition considerations in patients with diabetes; and special situations and interventions involving hospital contact in cases of emergencies.
On 16 May 2014 a total of 10 glucometer machines were donated to new clients and 20 gluco strip kits to previous patients on follow up visit.
The diabetic sufferers were encouraged to spread the message on diabetes and perform tests on other community members they suspect may be suffering from this disease. Through this initiative we hope to create awareness of diabetes and at the same time reach out to more sufferers and assist them.