Book E-Readers Donation (KOBOs)

September 23 2014

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In addition to a Library donated by the Company in 2013, the Company made a donation of the above story reading facilities to Muskut Primary School in Soy Division on 23rd September 2014. A total of 15 (fifteen) Kobo readers were donated to the school by the Company through the Managing Director Mr. Nico Spangenberg.

Twenty (20) story books (in Swahili and English) have been loaded onto each Kobo. In essence therefore the Company has made a donation of 300 books to the school. The objective is to enhance learning by improving on languages which is the medium through which other subjects are disseminated.

The above gesture is in line with the Company CSR Policy of assisting public schools to upgrade their technology so as to cope up with technological developments in the education sector.