Donation of Glucometers and Testkits

December 15 2012

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Saturday 15 December was a happy occasion at the Field-Marsham Medical Centre following the Company’s decision to donate Glucometers, test kits and medication to a number of patients who suffer from Diabetes.Some of these patients have been frequenting the Medical Centre for as long as 8 years to have their sugar levels tested and receive appropriate medication.

The Company has decided to donate Glucometers, as well as supply of test strips for one year and appropriate medication to the sufferers. This equipment will allow them to test their sugar levels in the comfort of their homes and save the time and energy of travelling a substantial distance to have them tested every time. The patients will maintain records of their tests and still visit the Medical Centre on a monthly basis to have a follow up Medical check done by the Clinical Officer.

This is another first by the Company in an effort to reach out to community members assisting them in monitoring their medical conditions but also allow them to take control of their own health and monitoring thereof.

Present at the ceremony were Joanne Tanui, Clinical Officer and Moses Chebon, the Laboratory Technician. Moses spent some time after the ceremony educating the patients in the use of their new devices.