Field-Marsham Medical Centre Funded by KFC
March 8 2012

Thursday 8 March 2012 marked a major achievement with the opening of a new Medical Centre.The dream was realized with the opening of the Field-Marsham Medical Centre. This new facility will provide for enhanced medical care for all the surrounding communities and employees of the Company.
Improved services include improved laboratory testing, numerous wards allowing up to 13 admissions as well as modern delivery facilities. Some of the more sophisticated equipment acquired allows for the testing of liver and kidney functions. Examples of the improved services that will be able to be supplied are a hematology machine that shows the whole blood picture and a biochemistry analyzer which tests the renal (kidney) and liver function, protein level, cholesterol level and related functions.
The medical centre also supplies a 24 hour emergency service with an ambulance on standby. A modern kitchen with cooking facilities have also been erected to provide meals for in patients. In addition to the above, the Medical Centre will continue to provide services related to HIV/AIDS, ARV’s, Family Planning, Child Welfare etc.
This facility’s operational expenditure amounts to USD 130 000 per annum and it is fully funded and maintained by the Company. In addition to the services, it also has a drug store which is fully stocked with a variety of drugs. This facility was funded by the Company at a cost of Shs 20 million and is the one and only facility of this standard in the District.