Fluorspar School Library Wins an Award at Annual Maktaba Awards

September 26 2013

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It was no mean achievement for the Fluorspar Primary School library to be ranked 3rd nationally in the private schools category behind two renowned private schools, Makini and Aga Khan during the 2013 Maktaba Award Gala held on 26th September,2013. The school also received a cheque of Kshs 30,000 and a donation of assorted text books from Child International.

The news of the win was received with joy by both the Field Marsham Foundation and the Kenya Fluorspar Company Management as the facility came to be through their joint venture. The school family, the direct beneficiary of the facility, was not left behind in the celebrations either.

The Maktaba Award Ceremony was graced by Prof. Mugo Kibati, Director General of Kenya Vision 2030, The German Ambassador to Kenya, a representative of the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Arts among other dignitaries.

Fluorspar Primary School Library entered the Maktaba Award (Library of the Year Award) competition for the first time this year. There were 41 entries in the six categories which included private and public schools (secondary and primary), Universities and Community Libraries. Being a national competition Maktaba Award aims to recognize excellence in provision of library services in Kenya.

The Kenya Library Association (KLA) in partnership with The Goethe-Institut and Jomo Kenyatta Foundation (JKF) has been presenting this function for the past 3 years. The 2013 Maktaba Award was also supported by Radio Africa Group, E-Kitabu and Children International.

The participating libraries were assessed in the following areas: currency, diversity and relevance of the library collection; innovation and creativity in service provision; application of modern technology in service provision; efforts towards collection, preservation and dissemination of local content and indigenous knowledge; and membership of the Kenya Library Association and participation in the Association activities.

With the grand opening of the State-of-the-Art library at Fluorspar Fluorspar Primary School on 3rd July, 2012 by Rita Field Marsham, the CEO of the Field Marsham Foundation, the Fluorspar fraternity realized a new dawn had arrived.

With enthusiasm and vigour the school entered a new era of wading through diverse learning material available in the modern facility with a touch of modern technology; wireless internet, computers, a smart board and e-readers. The ambience and comfortable and unique furniture in and outside the library is something to behold. Armed with the famous quote, ‘Knowledge is power’ by Sir Francis Bacon, we all were ready and determined to benefit immensely from the facility.

As the Fluorspar family we can attest to the above quote. Since the Library opened its doors our lives have truly changed. We therefore feel honored by the recognition at the 2013 Maktaba Awards.