KFC Comes to the Aid of Kerio Mudslide Victims

December 29 2012

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Kenya Fluorspar Company has been thanked by the local communities of Simit and Menone, located about 10 kilometres north of the mine in the Kerio-Valley, for the assistance they gave after the recent mudslide tragedy caused by the heavy rains that occured on 29 December 2012. The company swung into action immediately after the downpours in which nine people died and hundreds lost their homes. They provided essential materials such as blankets, mattresses and cooking utensils, as well as food, including maize, beans and fruit. They also donated three 1000-litre tanks with fresh water.

The main exit road from the valley to the north joining the Iten-Kabarnet tarmac road was extensively damaged and rendered impassable in three places, so the company providedearth-moving equipment and hired 10 trucks to undertake repairs. After four days the road was rebuilt and reopened. The total cost of the assistance was over Ksh 1 million.

The Chief of Soy Division, Charles Kigen said, “We are really very grateful to the company for their quick response during the recent disaster”.

The company also helped the community recently with the repairs of part of the road to Nyaru. In addition it also assists in the support of education facilities, building of classrooms, payment of school fees to needy students in the area.