Medical Outreach Service 2013
April 2013
At the beginning of April the Company embarked on a community service project by providing free basic medical care and clinics to three Communities every week.
The outreach program reaches communities about 17 km away from medical care and this project greatly assists as they do not have to foot the long distances to get to proper care and we can diagnose and assist in treatment of an issue before it is too late.
In additional to basic medical service and examinations the following clinics are presented: Children Welfare Clinic; Antenatal Clinic; Family Planning; Nutrition(Malnourished children); and HIV/AIDS testing and clinics.
During these outreach programs basic drugs are prescribed and cases are followed up on a weekly basis. In the event of any serious diagnosis the relevant action is recommended and patients referred for specialist care should it be required.
The outreach program assists approximately 1 000 patients monthly in addition to the approximate total of 800 that visit the Field-Marsham Medical Centre. In total our service reaches nearly 2 000 people monthly and we are still exploring the options to expand to one more community.
Below we have posted some pictures of elderly and other patients that visit the clinics.