Standard Eight Nairobi Tour

September 2013

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The educational tours in our school are organized for classes 4-8 by a committee appointed by the school administration. The committee is comprised of all the class teachers and chaired by the social studies head of department and supervised by the school administration.

The social studies department will advise the committee on the syllabus coverage in social studies per class and that will make the basis of the place each class will be proposed to tour.

Std. 8 tour to Nairobi this year was the climax of the tours after std. 7 toured Eldoret, Kisumu and Kakamega regions, std. 6 toured Naivasha and Nakuru regions, std.5 toured Baringo region and std. 4 touring the company mines and the mill.

The std. 8 tour to Nairobi mainly focused on: Nairobi National museum where they leant about the art facts of Kenya wildlife, prominent personalities and different types of snakes; The National Assembly made them aware of parliamentary proceedings and standing orders; Nairobi National park improved children’s appreciation on the effort made by the Government in conserving and preserving wildlife; Wilsons Airport where the children learnt a lot about air transport, immigration and tourism as a foreign exchange to the country; Giraffe Centre enlightened their minds about the conservation of the endangered species of the wildlife in Kenya; The Paradise Lost made learning more practical when they entered inside the caves where the Mau-Mau fighters against the colonial rule hid themselves and they also had the opportunity to learn about coffee plantation and export; Mamba village exited the children so much when they were taught about the crocodiles; and The Bomas of Kenya brought children to their roots when they visited the cultural cottages and later entertained by the Kenyan traditional dancers.

It was exiting when children made with Kenyan top comedian – ERIC OMONDI and exchanged views freely. The tour apart from being educational benefited the children in acquainting themselves with the capital city of their country. The tour turned learning to be very practical when they came face to face to what they learn in class.