Susan Kiplagat…A Success Story…with a Happy Ending

April 19 2014

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Susan, the girl with a serious heart defect left for India on 13 April for tests and to undergo corrective surgery.

After arrival in India she was subjected to various tests and the operation was eventually performed on Saturday 19 April and 9 days later she was discharged. The Medical staff were satisfied with the outcome of the operation and after the final check up on Monday 28th  April she left the hospital with re-newed enthusiasm and optimism about the future.

On her arrival at the Mine she and her mother, Tecla, were welcomed by relatives, friends and Company Management led by the Managing Director Mr. Nico Spangenberg.

At a small reception at the Company Recreation Club Tecla gave a short overview to all present of the events and their experiences in India, praising the hospital and medical staff for the excellent services in both medical and hospitality aspects.

She thanked the Company for its sponsorship and making this wonderful experience possible. She said it was an event that will change the lives of their family giving them hope for the future.

Susan will now be able to enjoy a more normal life and pay proper attention to her school work and will ensure she will now be able to improve.

This operation and all related expenses were sponsored by the Company as part of its CSR program and everyone in the valley was thrilled with the happy outcome.