World Aids Day Celebration – 1st December 2013
December 1 2013

World Aids Day was celebrated on Sunday 01 December 2013 with the KFC Medical Team setting up facilities at the local sports grounds offering free HIV counseling and testing.
Each person that subjected him/her to a voluntary HIV testing received a T-shirt as well as a soda and something small to eat.
A total of 624 people turned up for testing and the results were extremely encouraging.
In addition to the free testing, the Medical team counseled people on HIV/AIDS in terms of causes, prevention and the treatment thereof. People were encouraged to have themselves tested regularly and that there is no stigma attached to it and that it is just another disease that has to be treated.
Three health care workers from Muskut Health Centre supported the day and did commendable work in counseling and testing.
A volunteer from the community who is trained on HIV/AIDS testing and counseling also assisted in this day. The County Representative was also in attendance and read the World AIDS Day speech on behalf of the Governor of Elgeiyo-Marakwet.
It was a very successful event and the day was fully sponsored by Kenya Fluorspar Company.