World Environment Day — 5th June 2014
June 5 2014

Kenya Fluorspar believes that we have an enormous responsibility and challenge to provide leadership and expertise in environment management towards a sustainable and restorative society that respects health, wholeness, balance and diversity. In view of this, the Company geared up for the annual World Environment Day on 5th of June 2014. The theme for this year’s World Environment Day was “Raise Your Voice Not The Sea Level”.
The Company partnered with the County Forest Office to undertake tree planting starting from the Company’s Kimwarer camp where 500 trees were planted. The exercise was then extended to Kowochi and Chepsirei Primary Schools respectively where 1 200 and 500 trees were planted.
The Managing Director initiated the event and extended an invitation to all members of the community and the public to join us raising awareness on the need to protect our environment during this year’s World Environment Day. On his part, the sub-county forest officer reiterated the need to conserve the existing environment for the benefit of the future generation.
The Wildlife Club from the Fluorspar Primary School was in attendance and accompanied the officials on the visits to the two neighbouring schools.